Notary Services

- Obtain form MV-38O. It can also be found on DMV.PA.GOV
- Fill out section A (applicant & vehicle information), section B (reason for duplicate title), and C (vehicle owner’s unsworn declaration)
- Section D (satisfaction of lien and lienholder unsworn declaration) only needs filled out if PA Certificate of title with lien satisfied or lien release letter is not not attached.
- Make check or money order out to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Amount can be found at the top of the form). DO NOT SEND CASH!
- Mail to:
PA Department of Transportation
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
P.O. Box 68593
Harrisburg, PA 17106-8593
If you have any questions when filling out this form, please contact our office at (724) 625-9422 and we will gladly assist you.
We notarize several documents including: Wills, Deeds, POA, Mortgage Documents, Bids, Leases, Buy Outs, Court Documents, Right of Way, Permits, and much more!
To get your signature notarized you will need the following:
- A valid form of ID. This would include: Photo driver’s license, passport, and military ID. The preferred method is a photo driver’s license.
- Document in perfect form
- Information must be filled out correctly with no whiteout, scratched off areas, erasures, or blacked out wording.
- All parties should be present if the document requires multiple signatures for one notary stamp.
- Cash or check only. $10.00 per stamp ($5.00 for the stamp and $5.00 document fee.)
Checks should be made out to Chuck Kennedy’s Auto Sales.
Transferring to a Individual:
- All parties on the title must be present, including buyers wishing to be placed on the title.
- Valid PA Driver’s License only!
- Valid PA insurance card for any vehicle (motorcycles and antiques require insurance on the VIN you are looking to buy. There are no exceptions.
- If the buyer is transferring a current owned valid plate all parties must be present that appear on the PA registration card. (You will need the registration card to complete this transaction)
- A letter stating that you can sign for the said company on a letterhead.
- Valid PA insurance card in the business name.
- If you want to transfer a plate it must be in the business name. (You can NOT transfer a business plate to an individual and vice versa.
- Move to PA from out-of-state
- Valid PA Driver’s License (Must have before you register the car)
- Valid PA insurance card (Must have before you register the car)
- The real title must be present to register in PA. If you have a loan we must send a request to the lien holder requesting a change in registration. This must be done first and it takes roughly four (4) weeks to get the title from the bank.
- If you have owned the vehicle for less than six months we need proof that you paid sales tax in the prior state. (For Example: Bill of sale, old registration card if you pay tax yearly in your state.
- The title must be notarized if the current state is a notarizing state. If it is not a notarizing state, a notarized bill of sale is required.
- Make sure the title is in the name of the seller, if not please call our office at (724) 625-9422 and we will instruct you what options you have as the buyer.
- A copy of the front and back of the sellers valid Driver’s License.
- If in a company name, a letter stating they can sign for the said company on a company letterhead.
- Valid PA Driver’s License.
- Valid PA Insurance on the VIN # of the vehicle.
- Photograph of the vehicle straight front, straight back, and straight both sides.
Note: You are issued the plate from the state. You will NOT receive the plate at the time of this transaction. The placed will be mailed to you.
You may transfer an Antique Plate in your possession with the proper registration document and drive the same day. You must bring the plate with you for the transaction.
PA offers the option to display a period correct place 1976 and older.
We first need to run the plater to see if the numbers are available. This can be done at the following link: Check Plate Availability Here
You must bring the available plate with you to complete transaction. Then you can drive the same day.